An IT Infrastructure consists of all the elements that play a role in the information system, and computer operations allowed. It can be used for internal business operations, customer relationship management or business solutions. An IT Infrastructure consists of the hardware, software, resource and service components.
The IT Infrastructure service offered by Nilort IT Group through its consultants specializing in on-site delegation to its customers and partners is divided into three entities :

The actual network design
the monitoring or supervision of the information system
The relationship to the application, server, storage and network has evolved significantly in recent years. It is now focusing on ways to streamline management to better support business growth. At the heart of this evolution: the IT infrastructure, the nerve center of the company and the real muscle of the business.
This is because improving the performance of a website that is too slow or responding to users’ complaints about inefficient applications is no longer enough. To stay competitive, a company must seize the opportunities that will keep its IT infrastructure agile. In other words, the competitiveness of a company is measured by its agility – IT agility. It is a challenge at all times, as obstacles are numerous and sometimes unpredictable.

In a classical IT architecture, the overly strict allocation of resources results in a sclerotic, unreactive infrastructure. In the case of unforeseen changes in requirements, it is necessary to carry out often painstaking manual interventions and apply corrections on a case-by-case basis. However, it is possible to do otherwise … and better, through the implementation of strategic control points at the level of the infrastructure as a whole, to add, delete or redefine services to the request.
The principle is to evolve the infrastructure to align with changing business needs – without neglecting those of the company – and to drive the growth of the business by focusing on implementation of punctual and costly solutions, a vision of the infrastructure flexible and based on the long term.
A company relies on its staff, the applications it uses and the data that constitutes its expertise. In this context, the role of informatics is to allow the interaction of these three components in a fast, free and continuous way. This is an essential condition for the proper functioning of the activity.
An over-resourced e-commerce application that does not allow consumers to continue with an ongoing operation or insufficient bandwidth that prevents file backup are all obstacles between people, applications, and data. These are major constraints for the activity.
Traditionally, the answer to such problems is installing new servers, increasing storage capacity and adding bandwidth. At best, this approach eases the difficulties. But most often, this relief is only temporary and we end up getting the opposite effect of the expected result: operational costs increase. At worst, adding to a static infrastructure the same equipment as in place can create more bottlenecks than it removes.
“IT agility” is about creating an infrastructure that can seamlessly adapt to changes in the business in all circumstances. This goal necessarily involves replacing static connections within the infrastructure with more dynamic and intelligent interactions. This approach translates into virtualization of the interactions between each element of the infrastructure – from client devices to application servers to data storage – creating strategic control points at all levels of the network. infrastructure where information flows. This control mode increases the capacity of the infrastructure, develops new services, moves resources and optimizes performance, security and reliability, while limiting the expense and impact of changes to the infrastructure. the activity.
To ensure the reactivity of its infrastructure and the relevance of the choice of solutions that will have to accompany its growth as well as efficiently, a company must take into account various elements:
Application performance
When applications do not work as they should, users can not perform operations and services depend on the system's response time, to the detriment of productivity and quality. It is important to implement a solution that addresses performance issues at every point in the application process to ensure optimal utilization at all times.
The scalability of the infrastructure
The development of the activity and the introduction of new products and services are all factors that put the IT infrastructure under severe strain. To pass these caps successfully, companies must be able to react to changes without overloading infrastructure or impacting performance.
Continuity of activity
Any shutdown of the system can be very expensive. A server outage involves the interruption of the ISP's Internet services, the unavailability of the data center and has a very serious impact on the business.
Protection of applications and data is vital. Each of the myriad current threats (confidential data leaks, attacks, regulatory infractions, etc.) can have serious consequences. The Web applications, the mainstay of the activity, represent a privileged ground for many extremely sophisticated attacks.
Uniform Access
Employees of a company like its customers are increasingly accessing applications and data in mobile or remote access modes. Providing users with uniform and direct access can be difficult, especially if you want to apply separate security policies for a large number of users and applications.
Storage capacity
The amount of data that companies need to keep is growing steadily, requiring more and more resources. Expanding storage capacity is expensive; it complicates the architecture and increases the workload of the teams in charge of IT. Migrating files from one storage location to another can be troublesome for those who want to access them later.
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